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How to remove your Tinder account

You can delete your account at any time from within the app (Go to settings, then scroll all the way down and tap “Delete account”).

However, it seems that your account never really gets removed and your profile remains active (at least for some time).



Helpful Trick: Obfuscate your profile info.

Because most accounts and profiles at Tinder cannot be removed, we suggest you login and change your account and profile information altogether.

Make sure you are logged in to your account on the site and click on the profile or options settings. Locate the fields with your personal info (email, name, address) and fill in generic, random information instead. If you can only select from several fields, change anything personally identifying. If possible, use a homepage/URL field or long text field (such as Description) and put this line in it: This may encourage webmasters and admins to create an easier removal outlet.

Helpful Trick: Removing online data

Publicly visible text/images often aren’t properly removed even when you succeed in removing an account. Try editing or removing them manually before removing the account itself. If you’re unsure what happens to your tracks: this can be found mostly in the Terms of Service/Privacy Policy; otherwise you can always contact Tinder and ask personally. By the way, removal requests don’t necessarily mean your data will actually be removed (e.g. due to legal obligations).

Helpful Trick: Remove third-party logins

If you signed up for Tinder using a third-party login such as Facebook or Twitter, you probably want to revoke all access from Tinder. Click here to find out how.