How to remove your WhitePages account
To remove your profile on / Whitepages and associated sites:
1. Go to Whitepages using your computer and click on “Remove from Directory” located in the footer.
If you already have an account, please log in and skip to step 4.
2. To create an account, you need to provide a valid email address
3. We’ll send you an email with a link to verify your email address. Click the “Verify my email” link provided.
4. Once you verify your email you will then be taken to the “Opt-out of Whitepages” screen where you copy and paste the URL to the exact listing you wish to have removed.
(Each page has its own unique web address (URL). This is how your computer locates the web page that you are trying to find. An example of a URL is: To find the URL go to the top of your browser and look for the web address for the page you are on. Copy that line and paste it in the removal field)
5. After you have copied and pasted the URL to the exact listing you wish to have removed, you will be asked to verify the listing that you wish to remove.
6. You will have to also verify with the phone number that is listed on the listing in order to remove the information. If no phone number is present or you no longer have access to the phone number listed, please contact Customer Support.
Sidenote: InstantCheckMate is a sister company to
Helpful Trick: Obfuscate your profile info.
Because most accounts and profiles at WhitePages cannot be removed, we suggest you login and change your account and profile information altogether.
Make sure you are logged in to your account on the site and click on the profile or options settings. Locate the fields with your personal info (email, name, address) and fill in generic, random information instead. If you can only select from several fields, change anything personally identifying. If possible, use a homepage/URL field or long text field (such as Description) and put this line in it: This may encourage webmasters and admins to create an easier removal outlet.
Helpful Trick: Removing online data
Publicly visible text/images often aren’t properly removed even when you succeed in removing an account. Try editing or removing them manually before removing the account itself. If you’re unsure what happens to your tracks: this can be found mostly in the Terms of Service/Privacy Policy; otherwise you can always contact WhitePages and ask personally. By the way, removal requests don’t necessarily mean your data will actually be removed (e.g. due to legal obligations).
Helpful Trick: Remove third-party logins
If you signed up for WhitePages using a third-party login such as Facebook or Twitter, you probably want to revoke all access from WhitePages. Click here to find out how.
I’m following the removal/opt out procedure correctly but it says it’s not a valid url! I want all my information gone from whitepages and 411! You can’t change the information or delete it following the procedures stated by admin.!
I believe everything said made a lot of sense. However, what about this?
what if you added a little content? I mean, I don’t want to tell
you how to run your blog, however suppose you added a
post title that makes people want more? I mean »
WhitePages is a little vanilla. You could
peek at Yahoo’s front page and watch how they create news titles to grab
people to click. You might add a video or a pic or two to grab readers interested about what
you’ve got to say. In my opinion, it might bring your website
a little bit more interesting.