USAComplaints is website that allows anonymous visitors to post a purported scam, complaint or bad business review.
“ – Complaints, reviews, scams and fraud reports from consumers. Blacklist of bad, negligent and unreliable companies and business. Each consumer of goods and services can leave on a complaint, a claim, negative review or feedback on the person, firm, company, site, shop, good, service or web-based project, whose actions left this consumer dissatisfied.”
In the USA Complaints rules page there is no mention of a removal outlet –
We would suggest using the contact us page to request a removal to see if one is possible. We requested a removal and did not get a response after 3 days.
I am sending this message requesting that you remove my name off of your website, Jesus / Zeus Vega. The description is showing up on google and it is now affecting my personal life.
Here is the link:
I am requesting that you tell me the requirements to have this removed, and any information you need, such as a letter from my lawyer or documentation.
Thank you in advance,
Zeus Vega
Remove Names Can get removals from USACOMPLAINTS and USCOMPLAINTS.